

noun burn·er \ˈbər-nər\

: the part of a furnace, stove, etc., where the flame or heat is produced

: a device that burns something : a device in which something is burned

computers : a device that is used to record information or music on a CD or DVD

Full Definition of BURNER

:  one that burns : as
a :  the part of a fuel-burning or heat-producing device (as a furnace or stove) where the flame or heat is produced
b :  a device for recording data on an optical disk
:  an athlete who possesses great speed

First Known Use of BURNER

14th century

Rhymes with BURNER

BURNER Defined for Kids


noun burn·er \ˈbər-nər\

Definition of BURNER for Kids

:  the part of a stove or furnace where the flame or heat is produced
Medical Dictionary


noun burn·er \ˈbər-nər\

Medical Definition of BURNER

:  stinger 2
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